The potential of The TANGO Study

Most of the studies performed in the field of recurrence of glomerular disease (GD) after transplant are single-center and retrospective, while registry transplant data frequently misclassify the cause of kidney disease. Better estimation of GD incidence post-transplant, natural history and predictors of recurrence are crucial to improve transplant outcomes.

Our preliminary database reveals the broad distribution of age of diagnosis of kidney disease (Figure 1).

We also observed various biopsy-proven glomerular diseases that lead to ESRD (Figure 2). Up to 50% of the patients in our cohort had previously lost an allograft due to disease recurrence.

Accurate molecular phenotyping and biomarker development will allow better understanding of individual GD pathogenesis, leading to potential novel drug targets. The TANGO study has the potential to tackle GD recurrence through a multicenter design and a complete biorepository. Let’s get started!